
"The word is very near to you; it is in your mouth and in your heart, that you may live it." Deuteronomy 30:14

IMG 2027

Make This Christmas Mean Something – WATCH! Advent 1

  Advent and Christmas are coming soon! It can be a crazy busy time for everyone. In the midst of a hurried, harried cultural holiday, how can a Christian prepare well for the coming celebration of the birth of their Savior? Answer? Prepare. Be intentional. Plan – develop a plan for the next four weeks that includes ways to make this Christmas truly mean something to you and yours.

Advent itself is a plan. The church has provided this time as an opportunity to ready ourselves for the coming of God. God comes…in the past, present and future. Christmas, of course,  is a celebration of God’s coming into our world in Jesus. Not just long ago. Also now, as we  welcome Christ into our hearts, homes, church and world. And then again, in the future, when Christ comes with the fullness of life, peace, joy, and victory.

Each week of Advent has a special emphasis. Why not use the key word for each week as your organizing principle for that week of preparation?

Week one’s word is WATCH!

WATCH is a biblical word meant to open our eyes, sharpen our minds, and awaken our spirits; that is, to create a posture of spiritual alertness.  The sentry posted at the door of the  house in Matthew 13:34, who keeps an eye out for the master returning from a trip, becomes the model for spiritual watchfulness. Jesus uses this metaphor to call us to stay alert, be on watch, and keep our eyes open for the coming of God.

Henri Nouwen wrote: If we do not watch patiently in expectation for God’s coming in glory, we start wandering around, going from one little sensation to another.  Our lives get stuffed with newspaper items, television stories, and gossip.  Then our minds lose the discipline of discerning between what leads us closer to God and what doesn’t, and our hearts lose their spiritual sensitivity. . . we will stagnate and become tempted to indulge in whatever gives us a moment of pleasure. . .When we have the Lord to look forward to, we can already experience him in the waiting.”   (and in our watching)

What are helpful ways to WATCH for God’s coming and re-focus our attention on the deeper meaning of the birth of Christ? Here are some simple ideas that you may want to try:

 1) Pray in a new way, daily. Light a candle. Sit a few minutes in silence. Ask the Spirit to open your eyes to watch for God’s coming. Write  down          some of the comings of God you are seeing, and give thanks for each one.

  2) Examine yourself.  Do an inventory of what might be out of balance in your life. Reschedule your weeks to include your true priorities.

  3) List hopes and desires God has planted in your heart. Consider what you really want Christmas to mean this year; more importantly, discern        what God may be calling you to do and be this season.

   4) Watch for new opportunities to serve the needs of others, that you yourself might be a coming of God for someone.

Lord, quiet me down, outside and inside, and open my inner eyes to see your coming more clearly. And help this season to more fully participate in your arrival in Jesus Christ who is come to save. Amen.


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