
"The word is very near to you; it is in your mouth and in your heart, that you may live it." Deuteronomy 30:14

Trust God

Face your Fears with Your Faith

    It’s Halloween. What is this holiday? Seems like mostly it’s people making fun of the things that scare them. 

    What are you afraid of? Is there any shortage of things out there that go “Boo!”? My three-year-old grandson Henry is into facing his fears. He pulls me down the steps to the basement with an invitation: “Papa, Boo? Boo?” He’s wondering if I’ll help him again face a fear. We repeat the process yet once more: We go to the basement and walk to the scary door, behind which lies the darkened room of cobwebs, the furnace, and his most dreaded monster. Henry stares at the door, as if working up his courage. I knock and reach for the doorknob. But Henry gasps and pulls me backward too afraid, “No, Papa! No Boo! No Boo!” I say Okay, and I walk back toward the stairs. But he changes his mind, “Papa! Papa!” and points to the closed door to the place of doom, and pulls me back to it for another try: “Boo, Papa. Boo!” So I knock again, and I slowly open the door. His hand tightens in mine, and we cautiously step into the dark. Henry starts shaking and cries out, “Up!” I hoist him into my arms and we move even deeper in, till we get to the place he know is there. He reaches out blindly for the string, yanks it, and suddenly light fills the room, revealing in fullness his nemesis: an old, rusty garage-vac, with it’s evil winding hose –  threatening to suck up little boys! Then, with great boldness and a loud voice Henry shakes his finger at his monster, shouting “No! No! No! . . . No Boo! No Boo!”  He relaxes, then pulls the light cord to off. Now we march out the door, close it, and stride into the house shaking victorious fists vigorously in the air, with shouts of joy: “Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!”

   There are some really scary things out there in the darkness these days. We feel the threat. Ebola – yes, we now have a sense we’re going to get it under control. But what mutated virus will strike next, and what if we can’t find a way to kill it? And what about ISIS and the terror they so swiftly have caused the world? Or what about those sick men (mostly it’s men) who prey on our innocent children, causing great harm seeking sexual power through abuse; then overcome with shame and fear, they try to cover up and hide, and sometimes, most horribly, by destroying the little witness.  Fear is always right there as we wonder what’s behind that closed door to our darkened future.  We can dwell on so many potential threats: Going bankrupt. Losing everything. Having a loved one get some weird terminal illness that will steal them away. Getting robbed, injured, assaulted. Losing friends, looking foolish, doing something so stupid we seriously damage our reputation or our relationships. And on and on and on.

   Where do we go for security? Shouldn’t we trust in the mighty Word of God? Once there was a woman who came upon a burglar in her kitchen. She decided to use her faith and boldly shook a finger at him shouting “Acts 2:38!!” The robber fell to his knees and begged, “Please! Just dial 911! Call the cops to come get me!” Once the police arrived, the lade told the officer she shouted a Bible passage at the man, and that’s why he collapsed.” The officer went to the handcuffed thief and asked what scripture the lady had used. “Scripture?!” he bellowed. “I thought she said she had an axe and two 38s!”

    Many people today seem to want to find safety in weapons. I suppose there is some deterrence it might cause those who threaten if they think we have a weapon. But just as often it seems that these weapons literally backfire, and too many times some horrible thing happens that we never had imagined or  intended. It’s also true that violence can begat violence. The scripture says, Some trust in war chariots and others in horses. But we trust in power of the Lord God. Psalm 20:7  Those of us who are believing people are invited to turn for our help and defense to the Most High God. Christians are especially urged to use their faith to face their fears. We believe God sent his Son Jesus into this dangerous world in order to save, redeem, deliver and help. We declare that Jesus Christ suffered the worst that any enemy could ever bring against us the Cross. And on Easter day he rose up in glorious victory over any and every threat against God’s children, then, now, or ever. That victory is already a done deal. Even now Christ rules over the whole universe, and sits like a relaxed King leaning back on his throne, with his feet propped up on backs of our every enemy, like a footstool. Faith claims no enemy can long stand against us.

   You say, “But Frank, it doesn’t always look like our enemies are done in.” So. Don’t just go by how things appear. Look with your faith-eyes. Trust the promise of God. Scripture says, Faith is the assurance of things hoped for. The conviction of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1  “But Frank, it doesn’t feel like victory’s coming.” So what. Don’t trust your emotions. Trust the sure Word of God! God can’t lie. It’s against God’s nature. And God says, Relax…I will never let you down…’So we boldly declare: “God is here, ready to help. I am fearless no matter what…who or what can get to me.”‘ Hebrews 13:5  The truth is, God has made 1000 promises. “I will help you, I will defend you, I will forgive you, I will be with you, will walk you through, will heal you, will give you victory, will give you unending life.”  Martin Luther said that we should hold God to his word. “God you said …. So now, I trust you to come through for me.”  When Jesus taught his last lesson to his followers, he was honest to say threats are real: In this world, you will have troubles.  He’s not sweeping challenges under the carpet.  But he then declares: Have courage. I have overcome the world!  John 16:31 Earlier in this final teaching he says, Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give it to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not let them be afraid. John 14:27 

    What are the fears that wake you up at night or become a big distraction during the day? Why don’t you face your fears with your faith. If the Lord God is beside you fighting your enemies with you and fighting them for you, who or what could stand up against you? What are you afraid of? Face it with your faith. Feel the Lord of lords and King of kings take hold of your hand, walk you down to the basement and up to that scary door; push it open and walk bolding inside with your great Friend at your side. Turn on the Light of lights and dispel the darkness. Then boldly shake your finger at your monster and shout “No! No! No! . . . No Boo!!” Then step out into your life with a new sense of victory and joy, shaking your fist in the air, shouting the cry of a champion: “Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!”

Can someone out there say “Amen!”?

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